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Writer's pictureCoco LeKind

Courtneys Corner: Thanksgiving

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Courtney's Corner entry. I wasn't expecting to do this for today's entry. I completely forgot about the fact that Thanksgiving was next month. I want to do a blog entry for Thanksgiving, but I don't want to do anything during the week of Thanksgiving. I'm giving myself that week off. So this is also my way of saying heads up, no blog next Wednesday. Surprise! I understand that not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving. This entry is one I want to share, so I am aware that means not everyone will be reading it.

Anyway, I am rambling. This happens when I barely edit a blog and don't use an outline for it. I start to ramble and ramble and ramble. Today I will be talking about ...

Today I will be talking about Thanksgiving. I am not exactly sure what I will be talking about nor how long this will be. It is just simply something I want to talk about. So I am doing it.

I will say that last year was my first year working Thanksgiving. I was working at Dollar General at the time. At the time, there were four employees in total in the store. I think there were only four could have honestly been fewer. Needless to say, we were short-staffed. It was my first Thanksgiving working I didn't mind it. I had no plans that year. I wasn't going home to family, so needless to say nothing to do. We ended up taking the lazy day route. We barely did anything just brought a couple of chairs up to the registers and sat in them. We did get some work done because it was a long shift (11 am to 8 pm), but for the most part, we just enjoyed hanging out. Thankfully we had a lot of good customers that day. Those are the parts I remember the most. Those are the parts I am thankful for. We had a random customer buy candy to thank us for working that day. We even had a coworker and the family of a coworker bring us dinner and desserts. It was honestly a good day. It made me think this was my first time working on a holiday like this one. I had worked during a Fourth of July prior, but nothing like a Thanksgiving. I had spent the holiday by myself years ago. It was not a fun experience for me. However, I wasn't by myself. I wasn't in my usual spot, but I still had a coworker I considered a friend there with me.

I wish on holidays, like Thanksgiving, they would close down all stores and things. I know why they don't. I feel like holidays are meant for families. I remember when I was younger, my mom had Thanksgiving off. We would wake up and watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade as dinner was doing its thing. There were even times we had a big Thanksgiving party with family. There would always be a bunch of food. There were always people asleep on the recliners in the living room and kids playing games and having fun. Back then, we felt differently about it all. The party was always enjoyable, but the preparation was horrible. We had school to deal with then we would come home and clean the house or help my mom bake and get things ready for the festivities. I want those days back. I wish for this generation to be able to feel what that is like. I want the old-fashioned Thanksgiving back.

I can tell you Thanksgiving became special for my family back in 2004. I'm not sure many (if any) of you know this, but I am the eldest of three girls. The youngest was born in 2004. She turns 18 this year. Hard to believe. She was born on November 18th, but she was premature. So there were some complications. We weren't even sure my mom would be home for Thanksgiving that year, let alone my littlest sister. My mom was home before Thanksgiving, but my littlest sister was not. She was still sick, and they told us we would have Thanksgiving without her. Thanksgiving that year was held as it usually was. We woke up, watched the parade, and helped set up for the holiday while watching the dog show. Soon guests arrived, and the party began. It was earlier in the day when my parents got the call. We could bring her home. The dinner was still in process, but my aunt shooed my parents away. She said they had it covered, and my parents needed to get their daughter.

This year I will be spending Thanksgiving starting my life over. Not my entire life, as I have been in that process since October of this year. I will be at my mother's with at least one of my sisters. Who else is there; I am not sure. I will also have someone special to me coming with me. That makes it scary, in my opinion. I want it to go well. It will be our first big holiday and Thanksgiving together. It will be my first Thanksgiving to have my kittens. So we shall see how it all goes. What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Is there anything exciting planned up your sleeve? Be sure to let me know in the comment section below.

That is all I have planned for you today. It is a simple entry; I just wanted to discuss the holiday. Do a bit more relaxed post and get my thoughts onto paper. I'm sorry if you found this boring; I had fun doing it personally. Holidays have always been a big deal in my family, and even as an adult, I find them still a big deal. I am so very excited to watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade. I will need to figure out when that is on and how I can watch it. What are you most excited about Thanksgiving? If you don't celebrate it; what have you been excited about lately? Thank you for reading, and until next time...

Stay True Stay You Stay Stylish ♡

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